Templates & Forms

At the request of academic programs, the Office of Academic Program Assessment created templates and samples for curricular maps, key performance indicator, and assessment plans. These templates can be downloaded and edited to meet the program’s needs.

No one format of curricular map meets the needs of all disciplines and academic programs. Faculty should determine the mapping needs of the academic program to create a map that meets those needs. For this reason, the Office of Academic Program Assessment created multiple templates and a sample for each.

When defining key performance indicators for an academic program, similar to the curricular map and assessment plan, the program identifies target performance goals and an assessment schedule. A template and sample is available for download.

The final pieces of assessment preparation is the assessment plan. The plan pulls together all the pieces of a program’s assessment activities, including learning objectives, map, key performance indicators, target performance goals, and timeline. Programs are welcome to use the assessment plan template created by OAPA.

While curricular maps, key performance indicators, and assessment plans may vary between programs, for annual reporting the University Student Learning Assessment Committee has developed a standardized form to be used for reports.