Course Reports in EAC Visual Data

EAC Visual Data can provide insight on student learning by collecting Test and Rubric data embedded in HuskyCT courses and generating reports with robust test and rubric analysis. Leveraging these course-embedded assessments helps with continuous improvement, including tracking performance on various rubric criteria and levels of achievement, test question performance and reliability statistics, and performance on program goals that are aligned to assessments. EAC reduces the work for programs and Instructors by creating reports that quickly identify specific areas where student performance either exceeds or is not meeting learning targets and where learning gaps are occurring so proactive intervention can take place prior to the end of a semester. All reports in EAC are downloadable into Microsoft Word and Excel formats for ease of access and use.


Here is a screenshot from a downloaded course Test report from EAC with summary statistics:

Sample annotated test report 1


Measurements of student learning for programs can be obtained through specific courses. For example, if Instructors align program objectives (or goals) to specific test questions in HuskyCT, student progression on learning objectives (through the measurement of the course test) is generated. If several courses administer the same test (aligned to the same program objectives), even more data on student learning can be gathered.


See the annotated screenshot below from a downloaded Goals Report for a course Exam that was mapped to two program learning objectives/goals. The reporting data shows 98% of students achieved the target score for demonstration of the learning objective:


Another example of a Goals report is below. Four program learning objectives (PLOs) were mapped to specific test questions in a World History course and we are able to see the student performance on three of the PLOs (Goal 4 was not aligned to any of the test questions):

Goals report aligned to test question 1


Course and Program data can also be obtained through rubric reports. The screenshot below shows Summary Statistics from a course Rubric Report:

downloaded rubric report with annotations 1


Contact for help with accessing and analyzing Course Reports. We are happy to assist!